Finding One's True Self in the Bible/Eileen Lin/Christian Communications Ltd.

此書為《從聖經中尋見真我──認識原型牧靈導引 得著上帝獨特的藍圖》英文版



此書為《從聖經中尋見真我──認識原型牧靈導引 得著上帝獨特的藍圖》英文版

Archetypal Pain- The Nail Marks

"As the heavens are higher than the
earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your
thoughts.” (NIV Isaiah 55:8) The Lord's way will oversee what we see in our
world. The Lord's shaping of our character will always stay beyond our grasp of
understanding. Here are some examples: Samson rebelled against his better
judgment and God's will, and fell in love with Delilah.Moses killed an
Egyptian, and fled the Pharaoh's persecution, remaining in exile in the desert
for 40 years. He equipped himself in preparation for leading God's people
through those 40 years of hardship.Joseph was framed by his brothers, sold into
slavery, and locked away with other Palace criminals,and it allowed him to
acquire the proficiency to become an Egyptian prime minister.

People are hard-wired to look deeply within
them- selves, but the answer can only be fulfilled by God, the Savior, Himself.
In Jesus's youth, He was hunted by those who hated Him, and this demonstrates
that if one is to become a Savior, he must first be saved himself. The nail
marks on the Cross represents Jesus's pain and shame. In His suffering,the
prints were transformed into Glory. Every disciple partakes in Archetypal pain,
which is the start of a road that leads to Glory.

The Trinity God should be a model for the
Trinity-Archetypal Pastoral Counseling to effectuate.We encourage the client to
connect with God and walk in His path, so that the Lord's calling can be
accomplished. God's omnipresence is in our lives,our search for answers, our
sufferings, and even our ordinary joy. Though Our God is known as the most
high, He is more than willing to bring Himself to our level, and walking among
us like our equal. He calls us to be His disciples so that we can walk with Him
in His light, leading us to a life of abundance in Him.

Dr. Eileen Lin

Th.D. in Pastoral Counseling, The Methodist Graduate School of Theology

Chairperson of the Taiwan Association of  Pastoral Counselors

Developer of TAC

Supervisor of Soulhome Spiritual Counseling Centers

Orthodontist at Joy Dental Clinic

Visiting Instructor at:

The Methodist Graduate School of Theology

Presbyterian Bible College

Taipei Ling Leung Pastor & Missionary Theological Seminary
