具有恩膏的鋼琴演奏和其他樂器配搭如吉他、曼陀林、一分錢哨子、手風琴等,一同為您帶來美妙的即興聖詩創作。筆者真心推薦” Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing萬福源頭”、” Amazing Grace奇異恩典”、” What Wonderous Love Is This?奇妙的愛”,這些經典到不能再經典的聖詩名曲,將以全新的樣貌呈現與您。
1.In The Garden 在花園裡 2.Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing萬福源頭 3.Wonderful, Merciful Saviour慈愛救主 4.Now Thank We All Our God感謝賜恩真神 5.Amazing Grace奇異恩典 6.Here Is Love, Vast As the Ocean極深的愛 7.I Will Arise and Go to Jesus (Come Ye Sinners, Poor and Needy)搭救罪人 8.Jesus, Lover of My Soul耶穌我心靈的至愛 9.Close to Thee親近祢 10.What Wonderous Love Is This?奇妙的愛 11.Our Father in Heaven (The Lord's Prayer)我們在天上的父 12.Wonderful Peace最美的平安